

发布日期:2019/11/11 12:10:52   浏览次数:

徐宏祥:1986.11-) 男,山东省东营市,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。



· 2012.09-2015.06,中国矿业大学,矿物加工工程,博士,导师:刘炯天教授

· 2013.08-2015.02,美国哥伦比亚大学,环境工程系,联合培养博士,导师:Ponisseril Somasundaran 教授

· 2008.09-2011.06,中国矿业大学,矿物加工工程,硕士,导师:刘炯天教授

· 2004.09-2008.06,中国矿业大学,矿物加工工程,学士


· 2024.07-今    ,12BET,12BET矿物加工系,教授

· 2018.07-2024.07,12BET,12BET矿物加工系,副教授

· 2015.07-2018.07,12BET,12BET矿物加工系,讲师

· 2011.06-2012.08,中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院,选矿与自动化研究所,助理工程师




[1] Xu H.*, Li S., Yin Y., etc, “Study on stability and characterization of high internal phase water-in-oil compound collector emulsion” in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024.

[2] Xu H.*, Wu W., Shi B., etc, “Research on carbon emission accounting and carbon emission reduction path of coal preparation plant” in Minerals Engineering, 2024.

[3] Xu, H., S. X., Yang H., etc, “Degradation of aqueous phenol by combined ultraviolet and electrochemical oxidation treatment” in Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024.

[4] Xu H.*, Tian H., Deng J., etc. “Review of influence of steric effect on aggregation behavior of fine particles,” in Minerals Engineering, 2023.

[5] Xu H.*, Ye X., Zhang X. etc. “Insights into the adsorption mechanism of N-thiourea-maleamic acid on chalcopyrite surface in the flotation separation of Cu-Mo sulfide ores,” in Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022.

[6] Xu H., Li W., Wang J., etc. “Study on fouling mechanisms of homogeneous ion-exchange membranes during removal of soluble saccharides from the aqueous solution containing ionic liquids by electrodialysis,” in Journal of Membrane Science, 2022.

[7] Zhuo Q., Wang D., Xu H.*, etc. “Pore structure and permeability of filter cake in coal slurry filtration,” in International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 2022.

[8] Xu H.*, Zhang L., Pang Z., etc. “Synergistic effect of [N1888] [P507] and TRPO for extraction of heavy rare earths,” in Minerals Engineering, 2022.

[9] Qin Q., Yang H., Xu H.*, etc. “Experiment study on the separation of bituminous coal adsorption and the synergism of ultraviolet and electrochemistry in the pretreatment of coal chemical wastewater,” in Fuel, 2021.


[1] 徐宏祥,黄波. 界面分选科学与技术,中国矿业大学出版社,2023.

[2] 徐宏祥,邓雪杰. 煤炭开采与洁净利用,冶金工业出版社,2020.

[3] 徐宏祥. 有机废水的煤吸附净化机理研究,中国矿业大学出版社,2022.

[4] 黄根,徐宏祥等. 选煤厂固液分离技术,冶金工业出版社,2024.


[1] 基于孔隙结构调控的煤泥深度脱水资源化处置关键技术及应用,中国煤炭工业科学技术奖,三等奖(排名1),2023.

[2] 低阶动力煤深度脱水及 流态化破碎掺配技术开发及应用,绿色矿山科学技术奖,二等奖排名1),2023.

[3] 低阶动力煤深度分级-高效分选关键技术开发与应用,绿色矿山科学技术奖,二等奖(排名2),2022.

[4] 油田作业废水(液)细颗粒污染物强化技术开发及应用,山东省科学技术进步奖,二等奖(排名5),2021.

[5] 低品位复杂铜多金属矿高效综合回收集成关键技术集成与应用,西藏自治区科学技术奖科学技术进步奖,三等奖(排名6),2020.



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