刘 泽:
• 2015-2016 美国南卡罗来纳大学 化学工程系 访问学者
• 2019-至今 12BET 12BET 教授
• 2012-2019 12BET 12BET 副教授
• 2009-2012 12BET 12BET 讲 师
• 2007.8-2009.6 美国佐治亚理工学院 材料科学与工程系 国家公派博士
• 2003.9-2009.6 12BET 12BET 工学博士
• 1999.9-2003.6 北京化工大学 化学工程学院 学 士
• 固体废弃物资源化利用(固体废弃物在水泥、砂浆、混凝土及其他建筑材料中的应用)
• 碱激发胶凝材料
• CO2减排、分离提纯及矿化
• 建筑节能材料、生态环保材料,水处理材料
• 固体废弃物与建筑材料的微结构演变
• 国家重点研发计划:工业及城市大宗固废制备绿色建材关键技术研究与应用(项目编号:2017YFC0703200),2017-2020,子课题负责人,
• 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:轻质高强低热导加气混凝土砌块的强度发展与导热机制(项目编号:2192047),2019-2021,项目负责人
• 2019年宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划:粉煤灰基地质聚合物制备透水砖技术研发示范(项目编号:2019BFH02023),2019-2020,课题负责人
• 2020年宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划:硅锰合金渣制备生态环境材料关键技术及示范,2020-2021,课题负责人
国家自然科学基金(51002182)、国家自然科学基金(51572293)、自然科学基金委重点基金(50730004)、• 美国能源部固态能源转化联盟(SECA)项目、 中国高科技研发863项目(2005AA501050)、科技部国际合作司项目(2009DFA6136)、• 教育部重点基金(106087)、教育部博士点基金(20100023120015)
• 中国硅酸盐学会固废与生态材料分会 理 事, 秘书长
• 北京市硅酸盐学会 副理事长
• 中国硅酸盐学会青年委员会 委 员,副秘书长
• 北京市建材专业标准化技术委员会 委 员
• 中国科协先进材料学会联合体 委 员
1) Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Dongmin Wang, Understanding the acting mechanism of NaOH adjusting the transformation of viscoelastic properties of alkali activated phosphorus slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119488. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,4.046)
2) Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Dongmin Wang, The effect of NaOH content on rheological properties,microstructures and interfacial characteristic of alkali activated phosphorus slag fresh pastes [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 252 (2020) 119132. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,4.046)
3) Jixiang Wang,Le Han,Ze Liu*, Dongmin Wang, Setting Controlling of Lithium slag-based Geopolymer by Activator and Sodium Tetraborate as a Retarder and its Effects on Mortar Properties[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 110 (2020) 103598. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,5.172)
4) Le Han, Jixiang Wang, Ze Liu*, Yanbo Zhang, Yuxuan Jin, Jiaxing Li, Dongmin Wang, Fly ash based self-supported zeolites by foam geopolymer via saturated steam treatment[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 393 (2020) 122468. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,7.650)
5) Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Tianyong Huang, and Dongmin Wang, Reaction kinetics and kinetics models of alkali activated phosphorus slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials 237 (2020) 117728. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,4.046)
6) Ze Liu*, Li Li, Ning-ning Shao, et al. Geopolymerization enhanced Hydrothermal Synthesis of Analcime from Steel Slag and CFBC Fly Ash and Heavy Metal Adsorption on Analcime[J]. Environmental Technology, 41, (2020) 1753–1765 (SCI收录,IV区,1.918)
7) Liu, Z. *, Li, S., Li, L., Wang, J., Zhou, Y., & Wang, D. One-step high efficiency crystallization of zeolite A from ultra-fine circulating fluidized bed fly ash by hydrothermal synthesis method [J]. Fuel, 257, (2019) 116043 (SCI收录,I区top期刊,5.128)
8) Jixiang Wang, Tianyong Huang; Guodong Cheng, Ze Liu*, Siqi Li, Dongmin Wang, Effects of fly ash on the properties and microstructure of alkali-activated FA/BFS repairing mortar [J]. Fuel, 256 (2019):115919 (SCI收录,I区top期刊,5.128)
9) Ze Liu*, Ji-xiang Wang, Qi-kan Jiang, et al. A green route to sustainable alkali-activated materials by heat and chemical activation of lithium slag [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225 (2019) 1184-1193. (SCI收录,I区top期刊,6.395)
10) Ze Liu*, Da-wang Zhang, Li Li, et al. Microstructure and phase evolution of alkali-activated steel slag during early age[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 204: 158-165. (SCI收录,I区,4.046)
11) Ze Liu*, Ji-xiang Wang, Li Li, et al. Characteristics of alkali-activated lithium slag at the early reaction age [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(12): 04019312. (SCI收录,III区,1.984)
12) Ze Liu*, Li Li, Ning-ning Shao, et al. Geopolymerization enhanced Hydrothermal Synthesis of Analcime from Steel Slag and CFBC Fly Ash and Heavy Metal Adsorption on Analcime[J]. Environmental Technology, 2018. (online)(SCI收录,IV区,1.918)
13) Ning-ning Shao, Yan-bo Zhang, Ze Liu*, Dong-min Wang, Zuo-tai Zhang,Fabrication of hollow microspheres filled fly ash based foam geopolymers with ultra-low thermal conductivity and relative high strength,Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 567–573(SCI收录,I区,4.046)
14) Ning-Ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Jian-jun Fan, et al. Phase evolution of fly ash calcium constituent at early alkali activation reaction age, Materials letters, 2016 , 174 :175-179 (SCI收录,III区,3.019)
15) Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Jun-feng Qin, et al. Strength and thermal behavior of low weight foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 22 (2015) 3633-3640. (SCI收录)
16) Ning-Ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Yuan-Yi Xu, et al. Fabrication of hollow microspheres filled fly ash geopolymer composites with excellent strength and low density, Materials letters, 161 (2015) 451-454. (SCI收录,III区,3.019)
17) Ning-ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Xiao-shuang Wang, et al. Thermal Analysis of PET Fiber reinforced Fly Ash Based Foam Geopolymer, Journal of synthetic crystals, 44 (2015) 2606-2613. (SCI收录)
18) Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Tian-yong Huang, et al. Effect of SiO2/Na2O mole ratio on the properties of foam geopolymers fabricated from circulating fluidized bed fly ash, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 21 (2014) 620-626. (SCI收录)
19) Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Dong-min Wang, et al. Fabrication and properties of foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 21 (2014) 89-93. (SCI收录)
20) Ze Liu, Mingfei Liu, Meilin Liu, Fabrication and characterization of functionally-graded LSCF cathodes by tape casting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 1082-1087. (SCI收录)
21) Ze Liu, Mingfei Liu, Lei Yang, Meilin Liu, LSM-Infiltrated LSCF Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Journal of energy chemistry, 22 (2013) 555-559. (SCI收录)
22) Ze Liu, Ling-zhi Cheng, Min-fang Han, A-site deficient Ba1−xCo0.7Fe0.2Ni0.1O3−δ cathode for intermediate temperature SOFC, Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 868-871 (SCI收录)
23) Lei Yang, Shizhong Wang, Kevin Blinn, Mingfei Liu, Ze Liu, Zhe Cheng, Meilin Liu, Enhanced Sulfur and Coking Tolerance of a Mixed Ion Conductor for SOFCs: BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2–x YbxO3–d, Science, vol 326 (2009) 126-129 (SCI收录)
24) Ze Liu, Zi-wei Zheng, Min-fang Han, Mei-lin Liu, High performance solid oxide fuel cells based on tri-layer yttria-stabilized zirconia by low temperature sintering process, Journal of Power Sources, 195(2010)7230-7233(SCI收录)
25) LIU Ze, LEI Ze, SONG Shidong, YU Lian, HAN Minfang, Development of doped zirconia and ceria electrolyte fabricated at low temperature, Progress in Chemistry, 23 (2011) 470-476(SCI收录)
26) Ze Liu, Min-Fang Han, Wen-Ting Miao, Preparation and characterization of graded cathode La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ, Journal of Power Sources 173 (2007) 837–841 (SCI收录)
专 利
1. 刘 泽,金宇玄,韩乐,李丽,王栋民,一种多孔碳负载方沸石复合材料的制备方法,ZL 202010311311.5
2. 王栋民,白亚飞,孙睿,张双成,张明,刘 泽,王璜琪,马涛,孙册,一种连续级配铁尾矿砂座浆料组合物及其制备方法与应用,ZL 202010479078.1
3. 王栋民,张明,房奎圳,刘 泽,刘虎,崔源声,一种公路路基用水泥稳定碎石层及其制备方法和应用,CN202010641250.9
4. 王栋民,白亚飞,张双成,孙睿,王璜琪,刘 泽,吕南,耿丹华,一种铁尾矿砂钢筋连接用套筒灌浆料组合物及制备与应用,ZL 202010477065.0
5. 刘 泽,韩乐,张延博,王吉祥,一种酸法锂渣制备的多孔自载沸石材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL 201911368434.6
6. 刘 泽,李嘉兴,张延博,王佳璇,一种含高活性贝利特的天然水硬性石灰及其制备方法,ZL 201911368433.1
7. 刘 泽,苏壮飞,王栋民,一种天然水硬性石灰消化装置,ZL 201921157006.4
8. 王栋民,姚广,张双成,刘 泽,孙睿,吕南,马涛,一种石膏基自流平砂浆,ZL 201910007325.5
9. 刘 泽,韩乐,王吉祥,张延博,一种酸法锂渣粉的脱硫方法及其脱硫锂渣粉的应用,ZL 201910858458.3
10. 王栋民,白亚飞,张双成,刘 泽,吕南,马涛,王琳琳,王佳璇,一种硅藻泥装饰材料及其制备方法,ZL 201910661167. 5
11. 王栋民,芮雅峰,张双成,刘 泽,王琳琳,吕南,马涛,一种瓷砖胶及其制备方法,ZL 201811272847.X
12. 黄天勇,程国东,刘 泽,陈旭峰,一种粉煤灰和矿粉基地聚物快凝型刚性修补砂浆及其制备方法,ZL 201810659855.3
13. 刘 泽,李丽,王吉祥,李斯琦,一种锂渣基NaA分子筛的低温制备方法,ZL 201811610136.9
14. 刘 泽,王琳琳,王栋民,姜启衎,一种天然水硬性石灰及其制备方法,ZL 201810846163.X
15. 王栋民,王琳琳,张双成,刘 泽,芮雅峰,吕南,马涛,一种抹灰砂浆及其制备方法,ZL 201811301727.8
16. 刘 泽,徐元义,卢浩,孔凡龙,一种轻质粉煤灰基硅铝酸钠板及其制备方法,CN201510182059.1
17. 刘 泽,王春雪,张媛,邵宁宁,一种粉煤灰碱激发充填材料及其制备方法,CN201510181543.2
18. 刘 泽,邵宁宁,秦俊峰,孔凡龙,一种轻质防火保温材料及其制备方法,CN 201410238670.7
19. 刘 泽,秦俊峰,徐元义,王小双,一种循环硫化床粉煤灰陶瓷及其制备方法,CN 201410475138.7
20. 刘 泽,孔凡龙,邵宁宁,王春雪,一种玻化微珠-粉煤灰防火保温材料及其制备方法,CN201410471850.X
21. 刘 泽,邵宁宁,孔凡龙,王春雪,一种蒸压加气混凝土及其制备方法,CN201410236822.X
专 著
1. 刘 泽,彭桂云,王栋民,王群英,碱激发材料,中国建材工业出版社,2019.1,ISBN 978-7-5160-2434-8
2. 刘 泽,固体废弃物制备地质聚合物,中国建材工业出版社,2020.10,ISBN 978-7-5160-2964-0
3. 朱效荣,刘 泽,蒋 浩,多组分混凝土理论工程应用,科学出版社,2021.5,ISBN 978-7-03-068633-6
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